10 New Year Resolutions for the 2017 Bride - Glitzy Secrets
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10 New Year Resolutions Every 2017 Bride Needs To Make

December 30, 2016

I know that we’ve not quite got to Christmas yet but it’s never too early to be thinking about your New Year resolutions. And, if you’re a 2017 bride, I’ve got a few ideas for you here that might just make next year your healthiest and happiest yet. So, why not get a jump-start on January brilliance and take a look at these ten New Year resolutions that every bride needs to make…

New Year resolutions for every bride-to-be

Images: Left via Bespoke Bride | Right via Beautezine

Get Outside

Recent research suggests that during winter, most of us are lacking in Vitamin D. The ‘sunshine vitamin’ is crucial for overall health and Vitamin D deficiencies are linked to a number of conditions that you really don’t want to have. So, it’s super important during winter that you get outside because this not only tops up your Vitamin D levels but it’s also a great mood booster too.

Goodbye Makeup

No, don’t worry, I’m not suggesting that you give up on makeup in the New Year but it’s definitely worth remembering how important it is to remove it all at the end of the day. Micellar waters are quick, simple and easy to use and they’ll remove makeup and cleanse your skin in one wipe.

Wedding resolutions

Images: Left via Delicious Magazine | Right via John Lewis

Eat Healthily

In winter, eating healthily is an absolute must. Make sure that you eat loads of nourishing foods that will make you feel good without resorting to typical seasonal comfort foods. Pack your meals with vegetables, eat a balanced diet and, after the excesses of Christmas, get back into sensible, sustainable eating habits ASAP.

Ditch Your Alarm Clock

As tempting as it would be to hibernate until spring, we’ve all got to get up and get going. However, your alarm clock could be making you unhappy in more ways than one. Studies have shown that waking up suddenly on dark mornings to harsh beeping or loud music can be really bad for you. A product like the Lumie Bodyclock helps you to wake up naturally and makes mornings feel a whole lot better.

New Year bridal resolutions

Images: Left via Camille Styles | Right via The Huffington Post

Take Time Out

To keep yourself happy in 2017, you really need to take time off from wedding planning every now and again. Spend some time with your partner, enjoy some regular sporting or social activities and keep everything in perspective. If planning your wedding fills every moment of every day, you’re going to stop enjoying it and that would be such a shame.

Ask For Help Or Support

This resolution follows on from my previous point because trying to plan everything yourself can be as stressful as never having a break. It’s really important that, if you feel you need some help or if you’d like some support that you ask for it. Friends and family will be more than willing to help but they have to know they’re needed.

Bride-to-be resolutions

Images: Left via Washington Post | Right via Glamour

No Screens At Bedtime

Now I know I sound like such a mother here but sleep is so vital for your health and wellbeing that imposing a ‘no screens in the bedroom’ rule might just be the best thing you do for yourself in 2017. Instead of sitting in bed, staring at a screen for hours, go to bed to go to sleep. If you want to watch the latest on Netflix, don’t go to bed! Keep your bedroom as a relaxing space and make it your sanctuary where emails and messages can’t find you.

Eat Breakfast

When it comes to a toss-up between another ten minutes in bed and breakfast, it’s easy to stay under the duvet, especially in winter. But eating a good breakfast can do wonders for your health. Early morning food gives you an energy and metabolism boost, it snaps your brain into action and it will prevent you from overeating or craving less healthy food later in the day. Breakfast also improves your early morning mood so ditch the extra duvet time!

New years promises for brides

Images: Left via Lush | Right via Classy Girls Wear Pearls

Skin Kindness

Let’s be honest, winter is tough on your face. Cold days, artificially heated homes and offices and everything in between is a combination that doesn’t make for happy skin. So give it a treat and be kind to it in the New Year. Lush’s Ultrabland has to be my skincare product of the year. It’s soothing, luxurious to use and it makes a swift and visible difference to the condition of your complexion. Winter bliss!

It’s A Marriage, Not Just A Wedding

The last resolution you need to make is to keep ‘the best bit’ in your mind. Yes, planning a wedding is great fun and the wedding day itself will be amazing but it’s the marriage that comes after that’s the really important bit. In 2017, remember to keep falling in love with your partner, spend time together, look after each other and you’ll end 2017 even happier.

Written by Tamryn - Blogger at Glitzy Secrets

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